Animation Claude Garcia Zunino

My biography

Creator in humanism

Master of ceremonies, speaker, trainer, coach, I reveal the importance of the human element in public and private organizations, in order to develop well-being, happiness and performance at work.

I am a specialist of the Human Element at the heart of teams within each organization.

10 years of experience in marketing communication management positions, 18 years of missions in SMEs and large groups as a consultant, my expertise in communication and hierarchical, cross-functional, projects, networks management naturally directs me towards all managerial innovations.

I created the consulting company HUMAN SUCCESS, to offer advising, coaching, teambuilding, strategy and management training with a team of expert consultants, working to bring out the human element in people.

Image of a business team with its leader being at the conference on the foreground

I am an expert of the Human Element with speakers at the heart of each event.


For nearly 20 years, I have been Master of Ceremonies, presenter, host and event facilitator for my clients. Very comfortable with a microphone, I present and host major corporate events: conferences, galas, shows, workshops…

My credo: Humility.

My philosophy: People come first and foremost.

This is the reason why I like to showcase all the players on stage! Creator in humanism, I play the role of master of ceremony with some creativity and astonishing dynamism. I introduce, comment on, and present speakers, orators and artists, in a sympathetic, friendly and benevolent manner. My role is to place each person in the spotlight, to value each detail and thus contribute to the magic of the whole.

My references

My videos